22 Brussendar (Whelsen/Wednesday) 845 PD After dealing with the attempted assassination that morning and the discussion with Abassador Krynn from the Xhorhasian Embassy, Rinn, Stubby and Tāmarai are left to try to figure things out. Tāmarai reassures Stubby that yes, she and the other young woman are a team, no matter what Tāmarai had said… Continue reading Session 13.5 Aftermath and Revelations (In character interaction)
Author: rinn
Session 13: Humans Plan, Trees Laugh (Rinn 5:Three Teens and an Assassin)
22 Brussendar (Whelsen/Wednesday) 845 PD Assassin! Cue back to a ticked-off Rinn hanging from a Stubby-set snare at the front door of the TD Embassy. (“Who zhe HELL traps zhe FRONT DOOR?”) Tam and Stubby are there in their night clothes, though Stubby did grab her gauntlet and has it on. Even though he’s hanging… Continue reading Session 13: Humans Plan, Trees Laugh (Rinn 5:Three Teens and an Assassin)
Session 12: Like Clockwork (Rinn 4: It All Falls Apart)
21-22 Brussendar (Grissen – Whelsen) 845 PD Back to the Tal Dorei Embassy, just in time to run into Tāmarai. Some items get dropped off, (like the gift basket Tāmarai returned with from the Xhorhasian Embassy), and they take a break for a quick, charcuterie-style lunch. Rinn grabs an apple and heads out to the… Continue reading Session 12: Like Clockwork (Rinn 4: It All Falls Apart)
Session 11: A Dark Favor (Rinn 3: Adventures in Babysitting)
21 Brussendar (Grissen/Tuesday) 845 PD Rinn’s Dream After that day at the festival, Rinn drops Stubby and Tāmarai off at the Tal Dorei Embassy, and heads back to the Take Headquarters. Things are all pretty normal. He washes up, goes to his room. (No one’s been in it, by the tell-tales he’s set up.) Rinn… Continue reading Session 11: A Dark Favor (Rinn 3: Adventures in Babysitting)
Session 10: Thin Blue Robes (Rinn 2: Festival Hijinks)
20 Brussendar (Miresen) 845 PD Rinn, Tāmarai and Stubby head back to the TD Embassy, and run into Tunk. The bugbear is appreciative of the pies, and jokes around with Tāmarai a bit. Rinn drops them off at the embassy, lets them know he’ll be back in an hour to take them to the festival… Continue reading Session 10: Thin Blue Robes (Rinn 2: Festival Hijinks)
Session 9: The Wilds of Isslyra (Rinn 1: Meet Weird)
20 Brussendar (Miresen/Monday) 845 PD Outside New Vasselheim in the Wilds. It’s Rinn’s day off after a job (searching for a lost child), and that morning he goes downstairs in the Slayer’s Take headquarters to hear Valdesoc Zorjurn (“Vlad”, second in command of Outside-The-Wall) talking with Otel Tasithar (overall Second in Command), saying he needs… Continue reading Session 9: The Wilds of Isslyra (Rinn 1: Meet Weird)