(22) 23 Sydenstar (Da’lesen) 845 PD (placeholder)
Author: rinn
Session 30.5 (In Character Interaction)
22 Sydenstar (Folsen) 845 PD (Placeholder)
Session 30 The Newborn Lake: (Rinn 22: Mapmakers LIE)
(21) 22 Sydenstar (Yulisen) 845 PD The evening in Balrovo on the 21st, Stubby does a stone call home, and after chatting with her father and Keyleth for a bit, asks for Wolfe and gets him to kick the others out for a bit of teenage gossip. “Rinn kissed me! Shh don’t say anything.” “What?… Continue reading Session 30 The Newborn Lake: (Rinn 22: Mapmakers LIE)
Session 29.5 (In Character Interaction)
21 Sydenstar (Folsen) 845 PD (Placeholder)
Session 29 The Legend of the Light: (Rinn 21: I’m a Target)
21 Sydenstar (Folsen-Yulisen) 845 PD (Here starts Chapter 3: The Road Home) Day after High Summer- town is hung over. (Placeholder!)
Session 28.5 After the Dance (In Character Reflections)
15-16 Sydenstar (Yulisen/Da’lesen) 845 PD Stubby, at the end of the High Summer Festival (15 Sydenstar): With everything an exciting blur around her, she dances. The whole night seemed like it was a practice for this dance with Rinn. They both know the steps, thank the gods- and her quickly enhanced slippers are picking up… Continue reading Session 28.5 After the Dance (In Character Reflections)
Session 28: High Summer (Rinn 20: The ‘Normal’ Life)
6-15 Sydenstar (Conthsen – Yulisen) 845 PD (Placeholder) (Spoiler: Rinn kisses Stubby at the end of this.)
Session 27.5 Fondue (In Character Interaction)
11 Sydenstar (Grissen / Tuesday) 845 PD (Placeholder)
Session 27.5 Nightmare (In Character Interaction)
8-9 Sydenstar (Yulisen-Da’lesen/Saturday-Sunday) 845 PD It’s late at night, the house is quiet. So is the city, people tired from the work of cleaning and repairing. In his room, curled up on his bed with his back against the wall and dagger under his pillow, Rinn sleeps. And dreams. “Did you piss off a god… Continue reading Session 27.5 Nightmare (In Character Interaction)
Session 27.5 Magic Theory and Hashi (In Character Interaction)
8 Sydenstar (Yulisen/Saturday) 845 PD (Placeholder)